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How To Stay Hydrated with Delicious Drinks During Hot Summer Days

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How To Stay Hydrated with Delicious Drinks During Hot Summer Days

Image Source: NDAB Creativity / Shutterstock

How To Stay Hydrated with Delicious Drinks During Hot Summer Days

As temperatures soar, the intense heat makes us long for refreshing summer beverages. However, if you are conscious about your weight and overall health, indulging in sugary preserved drinks may seem daunting. While these chilled beverages provide temporary satisfaction, they can hinder your efforts to stay fit and healthy in the long run.

Opting out of preserved summer drinks is a wise choice. So, how can we stay hydrated and beat the heat?

Personally, I refuse to compromise my health and have discovered ways to keep myself hydrated and well during the scorching summer months.

In this article, I will share my favorite summer drink recipes that help me stay hydrated throughout the day. Drinking plain water might not always be appealing, especially when we crave flavorful options in the summer. Therefore, finding creative ways to increase water intake is key.

Explore the following refreshing drink ideas:

Pineapple Juice With Salt And Water

Pineapple is known for its metabolism-boosting properties and delightful taste. Blending pineapple with a little water and salt and then diluting it further with water creates a satisfying and hydrating beverage.

Buttermilk With Cucumber And Kakdi

Enhance traditional buttermilk by blending cucumber, kakdi (American Cucumber), and yogurt. Adding water to achieve the desired consistency, along with salt and spices like black pepper powder, infuses fresh flavors into this classic drink.

Carrot and Beetroot Smoothie

Combine nutritious carrots and beetroots to create a vitamin-rich smoothie. Blending these vegetables into a smoothie and mixing it with water yields a nourishing summer beverage.

Watermelon and Mint Juice

Watermelon and mint juices are ultimate refreshments for sweltering days. Blend watermelon and mint, add water, chill the mixture, and sip on this cooling drink throughout the day.

Bael Fruit Juice

Bael fruit, also known as wood apple or stone apple, is a fantastic Indian coolant. Extracting the pulp may be laborious, but the benefits make it worthwhile. Mix the strained bael fruit pulp with water, black salt, and black pepper powder for a refreshing juice.

The key to these recipes is to ensure hydration, satiety, and increased water consumption. Maintaining a ratio of 3 parts water to 1 part pulp helps you feel full while increasing your water intake. Enhance the taste of these fruit juices with additions like black salt, black pepper, and lemon juice. Rotate between these juices for variety and adjust according to your preferences. Using a quality sipper bottle enhances the experience of enjoying these drinks.

On days when convenience is a priority, opt for store-bought juices. For a different twist, try making Pineapple Kanji, a fermented pineapple water recipe detailed below.

Pineapple Kanji/ Fermented Pineapple Water

Fermented water offers unique flavors and numerous health benefits, promoting good digestion and faster nutrient absorption.

To prepare Pineapple Kanji, simply combine water, pineapple pieces, red chili powder, and mustard powder in a jar. Allow the mixture to ferment in the sun for a week, strain the liquid, add ice cubes, and enjoy this probiotic-rich beverage.

These hydrating drinks not only promote wellness but also contribute to a healthy appearance for your hair and skin. Next time you yearn for a summer beverage, consider trying these nutritious options.

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