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The Importance of Rest Days (Even in January)


The Importance of Rest Days (Even in January)

Image Source: oatawa / Shutterstock

The Importance of Rest Days (Even in January)

The strength training program I started on January 2 recommends working out three times a week. On top of that, I enjoy running at least twice a week and have a scheduled workout with my trainer friend every Tuesday. This leaves me with just one day for rest. Finding the time for rest can be challenging, but it is crucial for allowing the body to recover.

It’s essential to heed the advice of listening to your body and giving it time to rest, especially in a month like January when there is a strong push for new year resolutions. Balancing intense workouts with adequate rest days is key to sustaining motivation and preventing burnout.

“Especially at the start of a new year when motivation is high and hustle culture is blaring, rest days are integral to mitigate burnout or simple loss of interest that comes after that new year rush,” says Tonal coach Kristina Centenari.

Rest is not just about the mental aspect but is crucial for achieving your fitness goals. Giving your body time to rest is an integral part of your training routine and helps maintain the overall function of your body as a system.

“If you are not resting, you are not training properly.” —Tonal coach Kristina Centenari

Rest days play a vital role in muscle recovery as they allow tears in muscle fibers caused by workouts to repair and strengthen over time. Pushing your body without adequate rest can lead to pain, injury, and hinder your progress towards building stronger muscles.

In addition to physical recovery, rest days are essential for your nervous system. Continuous training without proper rest can elevate cortisol levels and disrupt your body’s balance, affecting sleep, mood, digestion, and overall well-being.

For long-term success in your fitness journey, recognizing the significance of rest is paramount. It’s not just about physical rest but also about focusing on sleep, mobility, and nutrition to support your body’s recovery and growth.

Embracing rest and letting go of guilt associated with skipping intense workouts is vital for establishing sustainable fitness habits. Remember, incorporating rest days is a crucial part of training effectively and setting yourself up for success in the long run.

Need some inspiration for rest? Consider trying a mobility workout to improve joint flexibility while giving your muscles and nervous system a well-deserved break from intense training sessions.

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