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User Shares How Trampoline Workouts Helped Them Embrace Playfulness and Fitness


User Shares How Trampoline Workouts Helped Them Embrace Playfulness and Fitness

Image Source: Ilya lyubchenko / Shutterstock

User Shares How Trampoline Workouts Helped Them Embrace Playfulness and Fitness

The idea of trying trampoline workouts had been on my mind lately. Trampoline workouts involve jumping on a smaller trampoline for exercise. I was drawn to them after seeing fun-looking posts about group trampoline classes on Instagram. I decided to give it a shot and I’m thrilled that I did.

I’m not alone in my curiosity about trampoline workouts. According to Google Trends, searches for fitness trampoline have increased by 60% recently. This rise in interest may be because experts highlight the enjoyable and beneficial aspects of this unique form of exercise for physical and mental health.

Exploring My First Trampoline Class

For my trampoline workouts, I chose The Ness, a trampoline fitness company based in New York City. Their online classes offer a dance-based fitness method that can be done at your own pace. Colette Dong, co-founder of The Ness, praises trampoline workouts for being low-impact yet intense, providing a cardio workout that stimulates the lymphatic system to aid in detoxification.

When I received my trampoline from The Ness, I eagerly set it up in my backyard and selected a 20-minute class called “simple bounce #2.” The session was a blast, with jumping jacks and scissor moves being particularly enjoyable. The instructor played upbeat music, creating a lively atmosphere.

While it took some time to adjust to the trampoline and the workout, I found it to be a safe and fun experience, though I felt a bit wobbly at times. The workout was surprisingly challenging, leaving my legs feeling the burn. Taking breaks and pacing myself helped me maintain a comfortable intensity throughout the session.

It’s important to remember that it’s okay to modify exercises and take breaks to make the workout sustainable and enjoyable. Comparing oneself to instructors or others can detract from the positive aspects of movement and fitness.

Key Points to Consider Before Your First Bounce Class

Trampoline classes feature a variety of movements, accompanied by options like adding arm weights or incorporating stretches. This dynamic workout combines strength training, cardio, balance, and choreography.

Trampoline fitness offers numerous health benefits, including increased strength, improved bone density, better balance, and stress relief. The workout’s high intensity and low-impact nature make it an ideal choice for those with joint pain.

Trampoline workouts also help release stored emotions and energy, promoting the release of dopamine and boosting mood. The combination of rigorous exercise and enjoyment can uplift spirits and provide a welcome distraction from daily worries.

Overall, trampoline workouts offer a blend of fun, exercise, and mental rejuvenation, making them a valuable addition to a fitness routine.

Sense that engaging in more enjoyable exercises can be beneficial for your overall well-being (in some ways), correct?

Recommendations for Optimal Trampoline Practices

If you share similar feelings as I did—excited, yet slightly apprehensive due to the unfamiliarity—here are some tips from Giampolo to help ease your mind.

1. Ensure Trampoline is on a Stable Surface

According to Giampolo, a flat surface like a hardwood floor, carpet, grass, or sand is suitable. A slight incline in your backyard, as I experienced, could potentially exacerbate discomfort in the calves and instability.

2. Mindful Jumping Techniques

Giampolo suggests focusing on staying low, utilizing core and leg muscles, maintaining slightly bent knees, and directing energy through the heels rather than jumping for height. Additionally, Dong shared common trampoline mistakes in a Well+Good article, which may be beneficial to review.

3. Adapt Exercises as Needed

Giampolo mentions the option to exclude bouncing if it feels more comfortable, as the movements can be performed without a trampoline.
Choosing the appropriate footwear is essential. Opt for supportive, lightweight, and relatively flat tennis shoes. Shoes with excessive support and height could hinder balance, as I learned firsthand.

Meanwhile, Hindell emphasizes the importance of listening to your body and avoiding pushing yourself too intensely too quickly. Gradually build confidence and endurance. For beginners, she recommends taking breaks during bounces as jumping can rapidly elevate heart rate. Hindell also notes that shorter, more frequent jump sessions are beneficial for mental well-being.

Ready to jump in? Consider starting with a class half the duration of your typical workout for your initial trampoline session. Explore different styles, such as jumping alone, incorporating weights, or a combination of both. Many clients of Giampolo enjoy classes encompassing both weighted and non-weighted jumping exercises.

Discovering an engaging exercise routine tailored to your preferences is crucial. Hindell stresses the significance of selecting a workout that is enjoyable, convenient, and cost-effective to eliminate barriers to fitness.

Expense Considerations for Trampoline Classes

While the cost of bounce classes may pose a barrier, the quality often justifies the expense. For instance, a monthly digital subscription to The Ness is priced at $39.99, comparable to other platforms like obé ($25), LEKFIT ($34.99), and body by Simone ($19.99). Additionally, there are free trampoline workout options available on YouTube for home use. The primary upfront investment lies in purchasing a trampoline, with Jumpsport trampolines being a popular choice starting at around $240. Many studios offer proprietary trampolines in collaboration with Jumpsport. For example, The Ness trampoline, co-designed by them, costs $499.99. To save money, consider buying a trampoline online, either new or second-hand.

In conclusion, I believe the investment is worthwhile. Trampoline workouts proved to be more intense and enjoyable than expected. With more sessions, challenges like balance and mental comfort are likely to improve. Next time, I intend to focus on the exercises I liked most and reduce those I found less enjoyable.

Furthermore, I aim to remind myself that exercise is about enjoying and feeling good rather than appearance. Although I hold a special fondness for volleyball, the excitement of bouncing on my new trampoline is undeniable and has already become a topic of enthusiastic conversation with friends.

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