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Understanding the Basics of a Fruitarian Diet

Weight Loss

Understanding the Basics of a Fruitarian Diet

Understanding the Basics of a Fruitarian Diet

I enjoy indulging in seasonal fruits like watermelons and muskmelons during the summer months. However, after following the Atkins Diet and losing 40 kilos, I struggled with weight regain due to factors like injury, age, and poor eating habits. With the goal of shedding weight at the age of 55, I explored various weight-loss methods and came across the Fruitarian Diet. I wanted to share my insights on this diet with others who may be in a similar situation.

Nowadays, many individuals are embracing plant-based diets, including veganism, vegetarianism, and fruitarianism. The fruitarian diet primarily involves consuming fresh fruits in all meals. While nutrition experts typically do not recommend this diet due to its restrictive nature and lack of balance, some individuals consider it for quick weight loss.

Fruits are known for their natural sugars, antioxidants, and various vitamins that offer health benefits. However, experts recommend that fruits should constitute only a small portion of a balanced diet, unlike the fruitarian diet that relies solely on fruits. While the Mediterranean diet, which incorporates fruits and vegetables, is commended for promoting heart health, the fruitarian diet is deemed low in calories and may lead to weight loss but could also result in muscle loss.

Reasons Why the Fruitarian Diet is Discouraged:

  • The diet is highly restrictive and can lead to health issues.
  • Eating large amounts of fruit, high in natural sugars, can potentially cause weight gain instead of weight loss.
  • For individuals with diabetes or pre-diabetes, the natural sugars in fruits may adversely affect blood sugar levels.
  • Those with pancreatic or kidney disorders should avoid the fruitarian diet due to potential risks.
  • Deficiencies in essential nutrients like calcium, vitamins D and B12, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids may lead to health complications.
  • The low calcium content in fruits could contribute to osteoporosis.
  • Malnutrition resulting from a fruit-only diet may trigger cravings and eating disorders.
  • Relying solely on fruits may lead to vitamin, fat, and protein deficiencies, slowing down metabolism and hindering long-term weight loss efforts.

Considering these factors, it is evident that the Fruitarian Diet is not a recommended option for overall health. However, for short-term weight loss goals, some individuals may opt to follow a fruit-based diet for a limited period or incorporate fruit-only meals while maintaining a balanced diet.

I plan to experiment with a balanced approach, incorporating fruit-only meals and light exercises due to my osteoarthritis limitations, and will share my progress after a month. Remember to prioritize healthy eating, stay safe, and take care of yourself.

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Featured Image by Jane D. via Pexels

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