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Quick and Easy Test to Assess Your Balance Skills


Quick and Easy Test to Assess Your Balance Skills

Image Source: Clever Stock / Shutterstock

Quick and Easy Test to Assess Your Balance Skills

Curious about your balance abilities? This rapid assessment helps you evaluate your balance in just 30 seconds. Trainer Justin Agustin, CPT, known for beginner workouts on TikTok, shares a straightforward method to gauge your balance skills from “Below Average” to “Excellent.”

To begin, find a secure area with some light padding (like a yoga mat) where you can stand. Ensure you are away from potential hazards such as glass tables or sharp furniture—just a precaution! If safety is a concern, have a friend or family member nearby to assist you.

Once you’ve identified your testing spot, stand on one leg, cross your arms over your chest, and close your eyes. You can time yourself using a timer (voice-activated could be convenient), or simply count. “Attempt to hold this pose for as long as you can, keeping your foot up, arms crossed, and eyes shut,” advises Agustin.

“If you can maintain this position for over 30 seconds, you likely have excellent balance,” he explains. But what if you fall short of 30 seconds?

Here’s the breakdown for your reference:

  • <5 seconds: below average
  • 10 seconds: average
  • 15 seconds: above average
  • 20 seconds: very good
  • 25 seconds: great
  • >30 seconds: excellent

Falling below 30 seconds isn’t necessarily negative, but based on where your balance stands, you might want to enhance your performance. Improved balance can enhance everyday movements, lower the risk of injury and discomfort, and boost athletic ability (leading to better workouts!). It can help you navigate various situations comfortably and confidently, like stepping out of a car, walking on uneven surfaces, or balancing in a moving subway.

So, how can you get better? Incorporate balance exercises! These exercises benefit individuals of all ages, not just seniors. You don’t need to be a gymnast to attempt these exercises approved by physical therapists.

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