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Improve Joint Flexibility and Say Goodbye to Stiffness with These Mobility Exercises


Improve Joint Flexibility and Say Goodbye to Stiffness with These Mobility Exercises

Image Source: 9nong / Shutterstock

Improve Joint Flexibility and Say Goodbye to Stiffness with These Mobility Exercises

Many of us spend hours sitting at a desk or on a couch, which can lead to stiffness, back pain, and hip misalignment. To combat these issues, Tatiana Lampa, the founder of Training with T, recommends incorporating mobility exercises into your routine. Not only do these exercises alleviate back tension, but they also help to loosen up stiff hips and shoulders.

If you’re unsure about where to begin, Lampa guides us through a 22-minute full-body mobility workout in the latest episode of Well+Good Trainer of the Month Club. This routine is filled with movements that will leave you feeling more flexible and relaxed in no time.

Lampa suggests starting with a classic trainer favorite: cat-cow poses. This exercise helps you connect with your body, particularly focusing on opening up the hips, lower spine, and chest. Lampa emphasizes the importance of adding movement and fluidity to your spine before diving into the workout.

For those who often hunch over, thoracic-spine twists can help realign your posture. This stretch targets the mid-back and provides relief for those who spend extended hours slouched over a desk.

The workout progresses with scorpions, which are beneficial for opening up the back, hips, shoulders, chest, and even the IT band. Lampa recommends repeating this exercise a few times to maximize the blood-flowing benefits before switching to the other side.

Throughout these various yoga poses, stretches, Pilates movements, and standing exercises, pay attention to any discrepancies in tightness between your left and right sides. This awareness can guide you on where your body may need extra attention. Feel ready to start? Watch the full YouTube video to kickstart your mobility journey.

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