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Improve Inner Thigh Strength in Just 15 Minutes


Improve Inner Thigh Strength in Just 15 Minutes

Image Source: May_Chanikran / Shutterstock

Improve Inner Thigh Strength in Just 15 Minutes

Isn’t it fascinating how our muscles coordinate to help us move? Strengthening one muscle group can benefit your entire body. If you’re intrigued by this concept, you’re going to enjoy this 15-minute workout session with Pilates instructor Chloe de Winter from Good Moves. This workout focuses on enhancing your core, glutes, and legs by targeting your inner thighs.

Your inner thighs, also known as hip abductors, play a crucial role in rotating your thighs and facilitating various movements. Strengthening these muscles is essential for a wide range of exercises and daily activities. By incorporating the exercises demonstrated by De Winter into your fitness routine, you can gradually build strength in your inner thighs over time.

De Winter suggests using a magic circle workout ring, a small exercise ball, or even a rolled-up towel (roughly 5 inches in diameter) to hold between your thighs during some of the exercises. The workout begins with lying on your back and lifting your pelvis off the ground to perform a bridge pose. A significant portion of the workout involves lifting and lowering your pelvis to engage your inner thighs.

During the workout, it’s important to focus on your breathing, engage your core muscles, and follow De Winter’s guidance. As you progress, De Winter increases the intensity by incorporating faster movements, sustained bridge poses, and squeezing your thighs and glutes. The routine progresses to include leg lifts and squats while continuing to squeeze the ball or towel between your thighs.

Looking for a challenging yet rewarding workout that targets your inner thighs? Prepare yourself with a mat, wear comfortable attire, and have a towel or exercise ball handy to intensify the workout. Get ready to feel stronger and more empowered, like you could crush a watermelon with your thighs!

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