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How to Increase Your Weight: A Comprehensive Guide

Weight Loss

How to Increase Your Weight: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Increase Your Weight: A Comprehensive Guide

Hello everyone!

Today, I want to share my journey of transitioning from a naturally healthy weight to being excessively thin, and then gradually regaining a healthy weight. Let me provide a brief overview of my body type and height. I am 5’7” tall, and back in my 12th grade, I weighed around 51 kgs. I had chubby cheeks, a 28-inch waist, regular eating habits, and zero physical activity. However, as I entered college, my schedule became erratic, leading me to skip breakfast frequently, indulge in unhealthy junk food, and subsequently lose weight. I recall a time when I would only eat a single masala dosa until 4 o’clock. My friends started to notice my shrinking physique, compliments turned into concerns about my lean appearance and well-defined cheekbones. My waist size decreased to 26 inches, and I appeared even slimmer. Unfortunately, this trend continued, and I started shedding weight rapidly, experiencing significant hair loss. Before long, my once charming cheeks began to appear sunken, and my weight plummeted to 40 kgs with a waist size of 23 inches. It was a worrisome situation!

Image by Total Shape via Pixabay

Causes of Weight Loss:

  1. Skipping breakfast, a major blunder on my part.
  2. Going hungry for prolonged periods.
  3. Quelling hunger by drinking water.
  4. Lack of physical exercise.
  5. Neglecting the signs of my deteriorating health.

My body was signaling distress for quite some time, but I chose to ignore it. My once luscious locks started thinning, my once radiant skin turned dry and stretched, calf muscles ached frequently, and cramps became a common occurrence. Irregular menstrual cycles, with periods occurring every 15 days, disrupted my system. My immunity suffered, leading to frequent bouts of flu. Realizing the gravity of the situation, I initiated light stretching exercises and incorporated ‘Alloo Ke Paranthe’ (potato-stuffed flatbread) in my breakfast regimen. I even adopted a banana as my mid-day snack, committing to a dedicated weight-gain diet for about two months with negligible results.

Seeing no improvement, I sought medical intervention. A blood test revealed low hemoglobin levels, but the shocker came from my thyroid test results indicating a high TSH count of around 8. Typically, elevated TSH levels result in weight gain and menstrual irregularities, contrary to my symptoms. I was advised against thyroid medication, so I turned to biotin and iron supplements. Overhauling my dietary choices, I conscientiously switched to a healthier eating pattern. After a year of concerted efforts, I now weigh 49 kgs and those once deep dimples have regained their allure! Yes, vanity plays its part too! 😀

Following my nutritionist’s counsel, I needed to maintain consistent eating intervals. Though the prescribed diet plan seemed overwhelming, prompting me to devise my customized healthy meal schedule.

My Daily Routine:

7:00 am – Rise and Shine

Early mornings instill motivation and energy. I kickstart my day with hydration, some fresh air on the terrace, light stretches, occasional yoga, or a brisk 10-15 minute walk. On days where I feel like switching it up, I skip the walk and engage in energetic dancing to music.


A serving of Poha (flattened rice) with a cheese sandwich or idli, accompanied by a fruit bowl or Alloo Parantha (potato-stuffed flatbread) and yogurt, followed by a cup of tea.

11 am – Fruit Break

(Apple, banana, or pear) along with a protein shake. Amway protein powder has significantly contributed to my weight gain journey. Mixing it with juice masks its taste, keeping me satiated without hindering my lunch cravings.

Image by Steve Buissinne via Pixabay

2 pm: Lunch Time

(Chapati, curry, salad, and a sweet dish) Indulging in something sweet aids weight gain. Personally, I relish Motichur Laddu. Delightful!

6 pm: Evening Snack

Upon returning from work, I enjoy Maggi, Besan Chilla (gram flour pancake), or something spicy alongside my tea.

9 pm: Dinner

A generous portion of dal (lentil soup) with 2 chapatis and a vegetable preparation from mom’s kitchen.

While it’s advisable to conclude the day with a glass of milk, I often skip it due to personal preferences. I occasionally swap fruits for dry fruits or treat myself to cheesy sandwiches instead of dinner. Admittedly, I have a weakness for cheese! However, ensuring consistent meal timings and maintaining high energy levels remain my top priorities.

That sums up my journey! A little motivation goes a long way; I even incentivized my progress by rewarding myself with a new lipstick for every kilo gained. It played a significant role in sustaining my efforts!

I’m eager to hear your experiences as well! Please feel free to share!

You might also find these reads interesting:

  • 7-Day Weight Loss Plan
  • Simple Workplace Stretching Exercises
  • Weight Loss Success Story by Vrinda
  • How Much Protein Should You Consume Daily?



Featured Image by lloorraa via Pixabay

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