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Exercises To Target Your Glutes And Core Simultaneously For A Double-Duty Workout


Exercises To Target Your Glutes And Core Simultaneously For A Double-Duty Workout

Image Source: Nikolas_jkd / Shutterstock

Exercises To Target Your Glutes And Core Simultaneously For A Double-Duty Workout

Many of us lead hectic lives with jam-packed schedules, making it challenging to find time for exercise. Even squeezing in just 20 minutes of workout a day can be a victory. To make the most of your time, focusing on exercises that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously can be a smart strategy. These exercises not only help you strengthen your body more efficiently but also replicate how we use our muscles in daily activities, known as “functional training.”

Two key areas to work on are the core and glutes, as they form the major muscle groups in the trunk and provide a solid foundation for optimal movement.

Why is it important to strengthen the core and glutes?

While core strength is often emphasized, there can be confusion about what the core actually comprises. It’s not just about the abs but involves all the muscles around the trunk in a 360-degree perspective, including:

  • Diaphragm 
  • Rectus abdominis (the “six-pack” muscles) 
  • Internal and external obliques (side muscles of the trunk)
  • Transverse abdominis (deep core muscle crucial for stability)
  • Psoas major and minor (hip-connecting muscles)
  • Erector spinae (spinal extensors)
  • Pelvic floor muscles 
  • Glutes 

Gene Schafer, a certified strength & conditioning specialist and owner of ARC Athletics in New York City, highlights that the core acts as the primary anchor for the body. He explains, “These muscles provide stability as we move our limbs in space. For instance, when the subway abruptly stops in New York, it’s the core muscles that help me stay steady.”

Although the glutes are considered part of the core, their significance warrants specific attention. Schafer points out that neglecting the glutes can contribute to chronic low back pain. Strengthening them is vital not only for athletic performance but also for daily functionality.

“I have observed clients and athletes experiencing lower back pain, which often diminishes with glute strengthening exercises,” he explains. “Simply engaging your glutes while standing can alleviate stress on the lower back, reducing fatigue and pain.”

4 best exercises that target the core and glutes simultaneously 

Pallof press

This exercise focuses on core stability while resisting rotation, helping your arms move against the core’s anchoring force. To intensify the workout, opt for a thicker resistance band.

  1. Secure a resistance band to a stationary object. You can perform this exercise kneeling or standing, ensuring the band is held in front of your chest with elbows bent, and your body perpendicular to the anchor point. Create enough tension on the band by starting a comfortable distance away from the anchor.
  2. Tighten your core and glutes, extend your arms by pushing them away from your chest against the band resistance. 
  3. Hold the extended position briefly before returning to the start.
  4. Complete two to three sets of 15 to 20 reps.

Plank with leg extension

Planks are excellent for core strength, and adding a single-leg raise further engages the glutes. For extra challenge, include a small loop resistance band around your ankles.

  1. Assume a forearm plank position, engage glutes and abs by pulling your belly button towards your spine. Maintain a straight line from head to heels. Breathe steadily.
  2. With proper form, lift your right leg straight up a few inches off the floor without bending your knee.
  3. Return under control to the initial position.
  4. Complete 15 slow repetitions, then switch sides.

Marching bridge

This exercise is ideal for working the core and glutes simultaneously. Pressing the heel into the ground engages the glutes, while stabilizing the hips challenges the core.

  1. Rest your head and shoulders on the rounded dome of a BOSU ball, with hips lifted, knees bent at 90 degrees, and feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest.
  2. Inhale, engage the core and glutes, lift one knee, and then lower it back down.
  3. Alternate sides, marching in place for 30-45 seconds.

Bird dog

Schafer recommends the bird dog for activating the glutes through hip extension while the core muscles stabilize the body during limb movement.

  1. Assume a tabletop position on all fours with wrists under shoulders and a flat back.
  2. Engage your abs, maintaining a neutral spine and neck.
  3. Simultaneously extend your right arm and left leg away from the body, ensuring balance. The arm and leg should be parallel to the floor. 
  4. Hold briefly before returning and switch sides. Repeat until you’ve completed 30 reps.

Schafer recommends performing these exercises two to three times a week. Focus on proper form and go slow to amplify the effectiveness of these workouts for an efficient and functional training session.

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