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Exercises to Strengthen Your Leg Muscles


Exercises to Strengthen Your Leg Muscles

Image Source: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock

Exercises to Strengthen Your Leg Muscles

Leg day is often feared in the fitness world. This could be due to the intense burn experienced during exercises like Bulgarian split squats and jump lunges, or the difficulty of walking post-workout. However, many individuals feel empowered during lower-body workouts, particularly when lifting heavy weights. Strong legs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also essential for overall health and combating the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle that can lead to muscle weakening and inflammation.

You don’t have to lift heavy weights or endure extreme discomfort to have an effective leg workout. Incorporating mobility work with strength training can help in both lengthening and strengthening your leg muscles for the long term. The key is to challenge yourself and reach the point where you feel you can’t do any more, prioritizing quality over quantity.

Check out these leg workout videos under 20 minutes, ranging from Pilates to plyometrics, to add some fun and effectiveness to your leg day routine.

1. A 9-minute kettlebell leg workout video

If you’re comfortable with bodyweight exercises, incorporating kettlebells can further challenge your leg muscles. This workout focuses on swinging and squatting to target your glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

2. A 10-minute leg and core workout

This workout includes various movements starting from the plank position, effectively engaging both your core and legs. By targeting these areas simultaneously, you can get a quick and efficient workout in just 10 minutes.

3. A 12-minute leg workout with dumbbells

Combining bodyweight exercises with dumbbell moves like split squats, lunges, and butt kicks, this workout targets your buttocks, hamstrings, quads, and calves effectively.

4. A 12-minute resistance band leg workout

Using a resistance band, this workout includes exercises like donkey kicks and leg raises to enhance leg strength. Trainer Simone De La Rue describes it as a joyful leg day experience.

5. A 15-minute standing Pilates workout

This Pilates routine focuses on stretching, balancing, and strengthening your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves in just 15 minutes.

6. A 15-minute slider workout

Utilizing sliders or towels, this workout challenges your leg muscles to maintain stability. This simple addition can significantly increase the intensity of your workout.

7. A 17-minute, lower-body HIIT workout

For a combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training, try this HIIT workout that elevates your heart rate while working on your leg muscles intensively.

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