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Exercises for Stronger Glutes and What to Avoid


Exercises for Stronger Glutes and What to Avoid

Image Source: Unsplash

Exercises for Stronger Glutes and What to Avoid

Our glutes are crucial for daily movements like walking, standing, and bending, providing power for activities such as carrying heavy loads or running. They act as a base for our spine, maintaining pelvic neutrality and proper posture throughout our back and shoulders,” says certified personal trainer Matthew Scarfo.

However, neglecting glute activation can lead to issues like “dead butt syndrome,” resulting in weakness and poor spinal alignment that may cause hip, back, and neck problems and increase the risk of injuries.

Due to sedentary lifestyles, our glutes can become underactive, emphasizing the importance of dedicated glute workouts. Strengthening these muscles is vital for overall body support. But not all glute exercises are equally effective, and some may lead to poor results if done incorrectly.

What to Avoid:

1. Quarter squats

Avoid shallow squats with exaggerated hip thrusts. Opt for deep goblet squats using a kettlebell or dumbbell, maintaining proper form and depth to engage the glutes effectively.

2. Rushed glute bridges

Perform glute bridges slowly and with control, focusing on squeezing the glutes at the top. Proper core engagement is essential for maximizing the benefits of this exercise.

3. Glute kickbacks

Avoid improper loading of glute muscles during kickbacks. Instead, try Romanian deadlifts to target and strengthen the glutes while minimizing injury risks.

4. Fire hydrants

Fire hydrants may hinder glute strengthening due to improper loading. Opt for curtsy lunges for a more complex, full-body exercise that also enhances core stability.

Choose exercises that effectively engage your glutes and promote proper muscle activation for a stronger and healthier body.

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