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Exploring the Three Main Categories of Brain Injuries

General Health

Exploring the Three Main Categories of Brain Injuries

Image Source: steph photographies / Shutterstock

Exploring the Three Main Categories of Brain Injuries

Sustaining a brain injury can have a significant impact on one’s life. The severity and effects of brain injuries can vary, depending on the type and cause of the injury. Here, we delve into three common types of brain injuries and shed light on their manifestations and prognoses for those who may have been affected.

Understanding the Structure of the Brain

The brain is equipped to provide dual layers of defense against trauma. The skull acts as a protective barrier against head impacts, while the inner layer of cerebrospinal fluid serves to cushion the brain. Despite these safeguards, severe head trauma can overwhelm these defenses, resulting in brain injury.

The Three Primary Types of Brain Injuries


A concussion occurs when the brain undergoes movement that causes the cerebrospinal fluid to slosh around. This movement generates a pressure wave that can damage brain cells and rupture small blood vessels, leading to swelling and inflammation. Symptoms of a concussion may include confusion, headache, dizziness, loss of coordination, blurry vision, tinnitus in the ears, and slurred speech. While concussions are not typically the most severe type of brain injury, they can significantly impact daily life, and symptoms may persist for months.


In cases where the brain experiences sudden and forceful movement within the skull, the cerebrospinal fluid may fail to cushion it adequately, causing the brain to collide with the skull and become bruised. Bruising can lead to bleeding at the affected site, depriving brain cells of oxygen and potentially causing cell death. Severe bleeding can elevate pressure within the brain, resulting in a coma or fatal consequences.

When the brain undergoes rapid movement back and forth, as seen in car accidents, diffuse axonal injuries can occur, causing the tearing of axons, the brain’s neurons.

Penetrating Injury

Penetrating brain injuries involve foreign objects entering the brain, causing tearing of blood vessels and neurons, leading to cell death and bleeding. Such injuries often result in increased intracranial pressure, which can compress the brain and disrupt circulation, potentially causing stroke due to blood clot formation.

Assessing the Severity of Brain Injuries

Neurologists utilize the Glasgow Coma Scale to evaluate the severity of brain injuries. Any injury resulting in unconsciousness is classified as severe, rendering patients incapable of responding to commands. Moderate brain injuries do not cause unconsciousness but may hinder patients from opening their eyes without physical stimulation, sometimes leading to incoherent responses. Mild brain injuries permit patients to open their eyes and respond to questions coherently.

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