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Quick Tips from Dermatologists for Healing and Fading Bruises Fast


Quick Tips from Dermatologists for Healing and Fading Bruises Fast

Image Source: Nadezhda Novikova / Shutterstock

Quick Tips from Dermatologists for Healing and Fading Bruises Fast

We all experience those clumsy moments like tripping over a laundry basket or walking into things, resulting in unsightly bruises. While minor bruises typically pose no serious concerns, if you have persistent or worrisome bruising, it’s best to consult a doctor. Bruises can be frustrating as they take around two weeks to heal naturally. If you’re eager to speed up the fading process, here are some simple tricks recommended by dermatologists.

“A bruise occurs when blood gathers under the skin,” explains Debra Jailman, MD, a certified dermatologist in New York City. To expedite the healing of a bruise, look for ingredients that aid in dispersing this trapped blood. According to Dr. Jailman, your best options for this purpose are arnica and vitamin C.

Arnica, a natural anti-inflammatory, has a long history of healing bruises and is commonly used in dermatology to manage post-procedure bruising. When applied topically, arnica boosts circulation, accelerating your body’s natural healing process and helping your bruise fade faster. On the other hand, vitamin C stabilizes collagen in the skin, assisting in fading bruises, as per Dr. Jailman.

You can incorporate these ingredients into your routine through creams, patches, and other products. Additionally, taking arnica orally may also offer benefits. Check out six recommended options below:

Boiron Arnicare Cream — $6.00
This soothing, non-sticky, and non-greasy cream contains arnica to alleviate pain and bruise discoloration.

While these creams and ointments are effective, the best approach to quickly eliminating a bruise is prevention. Dr. Jailman suggests icing the affected area immediately after injury. “Ice constricts blood vessels,” she explains. “For instance, after injections, icing can reduce the likelihood of bruising. However, once bruising occurs, the damage is done. The blood has already pooled under the skin.”

And the silver lining? Concealer always comes to the rescue!

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