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After Teeth Filling, Consider Doing These Things For A Long-Lasting Effect

General Health

After Teeth Filling, Consider Doing These Things For A Long-Lasting Effect

After Teeth Filling, Consider Doing These Things For A Long-Lasting Effect

No matter how well you care for your teeth, sometimes pesky cavities pop up. Because of diet, lifestyle and genes, some people may be more predisposed to cavities than others. Still, it can be challenging to anticipate what to expect when you haven’t gotten a filling in a long time. You’ll want to minimize damage to your tooth and prevent issues in the future.

While you may not be able to go back in time and reverse the damage done to your teeth, you can always protect the ones with brand-new fillings and take care of your others. Keeping up with your oral hygiene is the best way to avoid needing another filling in the future.

1. Avoid Food And Drink

Prevent from eating and drinking in the few hours after getting filling. The reason why eating and drinking are not allowed is that the mouth is in anesthesia and so it would be dangerous doing so. The other recommendation is not to chew for 24 hours from the side of the mouth that got filling.

Image by Vie Studio via Pexels

Be wary of foods that may cause headaches, like chocolate, which affects the central nervous system and may lead to migraines. While you’re still not feeling your best, you should stick to foods you know won’t irritate your body while you’re adjusting to your new filling.

2. Consider Your Timeline

If you have some teeth that are beyond fillings, your dentist may advise you to opt for a crown. To optimize your healing process, you should consider how much time you have. Not every crown has to go through the two-week temporary process. Some can be made on the same day of your dental visit, and it’s just as comfortable and fitting as one that takes more time.

Similarly, if you’ve just had a filling, you need to assess the pain you think you’ll be in and plan around it accordingly. You may need to take the rest of the day off work or schedule your fillings around a vacation.

If you have a big party planned that involves plenty of food and drink, you may want to schedule your filling well before or after that date. After all, you want to participate in life events to your fullest capability.

3. Monitor Any Pain

Sometimes a dentist can fill a little too much. You might feel some discomfort when you bite down, so make sure to do so gently to determine whether your tooth has been overfilled.

You may notice some pain as the local anesthesia wears off. Some discomfort is normal, but if the pain lasts longer than usual or even continues after taking over-the-counter medications, consider contacting your dentist for guidance.

Immediately call your dentist in case you are feeling pain in the filling and you are worried about it getting cracked. The dentist will find a suitable location for the filling where it will be comfortable for you to begin with it.

4. Clean Carefully

You can brush and floss your teeth after getting a filling on the same day, but you should be gentle with it. Your mouth will likely be sensitive for a while longer, so taking care of your teeth by giving them a little extra care today is essential.

Take the time to brush your teeth carefully. Regular tooth brushing should last around two minutes, but don’t be too aggressive with the affected area. Make sure to use fluoride toothpaste, as it can best protect your teeth against future cavities.

Image by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

5. Use Preventive Measures

Preventing cavities is the best way to avoid getting a filling. You should brush your teeth and floss twice a day. Take care around the teeth you feel need special attention, and be firm but not aggressive when brushing.

Watch what you eat. Too much sugar can contribute to cavities, so make sure to monitor your sweet tooth. Keeping your teeth strong is as easy as eating right.

Make regular checkup appointments. Avoiding the dentist for too long can lead to more issues when you finally return or in your daily life. It’s always good to keep a benchmark of your health so you can note any changes.

Prevent Future Fillings With The Right Care

Taking care of your teeth can be hard work. Once you get a filling, you know how the process works and what you can do afterward. Through this experience, you can prepare yourself for fillings or crowns in the future while also doing your best to avoid running into those scenarios again. Care for your teeth and wear your smile proudly.


Featured Image by Evelina Zhu via Pexels

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