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Some Things About Blackhead Removal That You Should Be Aware Of, And How To Do It In The Right Way


Some Things About Blackhead Removal That You Should Be Aware Of, And How To Do It In The Right Way

Some Things About Blackhead Removal That You Should Be Aware Of, And How To Do It In The Right Way

“Don’t pop your pimples” is one of the most important things and is also considered a golden rule. Doesn’t matter how much tempted you get to pop your pimples or to squeeze whiteheads, it must be avoided, and any facialist, dermatologist, or beauty editor will tell you the same. However, if we talk about blackheads, it’s not the same and rules aren’t so cut and dry.

Image by Polina Tankilevitch via Pexels

According to board-certified dermatologist Mona Gohara, MD, extracting your blackheads at-home is actually fine… as long as you’re doing it the right way. Admittedly, there are a lot of misconceptions out there about blackheads, which can make figuring out how to get rid of them a complicated undertaking. Exhibit A: Contrary to popular belief, they aren’t technically pimples…or dirt. They’re actually tiny pores, known as “open comedones,” that get filled up with oil and dead skin cells, and oxidize (or in layman’s terms, turn black when they hit the air).

Clearing away blackheads is a multi-step process that requires using the proper cleanser, regular exfoliation, a solid retinol regimen, and—yup—extractions. “One of the most important ways to get rid of blackheads is to extract them out,” says Dr. Gohara. “I’m not giving you the carte blanche to go at them with your nails, but I definitely think there are ways we need to extract blackheads.” She’s a fan of using at-home comedone extractors, like this one, or procedures like chemical peels, which use acids to clear away the dead skin cells that cause blackheads, or hydrafacials and microdermabrasion, which literally suck them out of your complexion.

One blackhead removal technique that Dr. Gohara thinks gets a little bit too much credit? Pore strips. “I’m not mad at nose strips, but they’re not my favorite thing in the world,” says Dr. Gohara. “They make the blackhead look better for that second, but by the time the next morning rolls around, you’re back at square one.” Plus, they don’t play well with other blackhead-fighting products like alpha- and beta-hydroxy acids and retinol, which means that if you’re not careful, they my wind up ripping off your skin.

“There’s no magic bullet when it comes to blackheads,” says Dr. Gohara. “You have to commit yourself to a certain routine and procedures to help extract them.” To find out what, exactly, that is (plus the ingredients that’ll keep them from happening in the first place), press play on the video above.And don’t try to extract your blackheads with your nails.

Image by Ketut Subiyanto via Pexels

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Featured Image by Sam Lion via Pexels

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